Babysitters, will you ever find the right one?

Nov 03, 2011




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As a mom, you want to know that when you go out for a nice date with your husband your kids will be safe and well taken care of. So then comes the task of finding the perfect babysitter. Ever wonder what qualities to look for, or even what does qualify someone to be a babysitter? Here’s some expectations and qualities you should look for: 

  1. Make sure the babysitter is clear on what the rules are and what’s expected of them. For example, if you don't allow your children to have candy, then make sure your sitter knows that. Or if you don’t allow TV after 7 pm, make sure the sitters knows that too.

  2. What’s your policy on cleaning up? You want to make sure that the babysitter cleans up after herself/himself and the kids. She/he doesn’t have to be a house cleaner but it’s nice to have someone who’s tidy and is willing to go the extra mile!

  3. If you have an infant, you want to make sure that the babysitter knows how to prepare the baby food properly. Ask if she/he is comfortable preparing baby food, and if not is she/he willing to learn? You want to make sure you have a competent and knowledgeable babysitter!

  4. Find out how much the sitter charges. Do they pay by the hour or by how many kids you have? It’s important to know this ahead of time so you can pay your sitter the proper amount.

  5. Is your babysitter able to get to and from your house? Do they own a car? How’s their driving record? Your children’s safety is always important so make sure the babysitter is a good driver! You also want to make sure they know what it means to be punctual or even a bit early. It’s always nice to have the sitter there before you’re stepping out the door so he/she is settled before you leave for your night of fun.

  6. Another great question would be: do you know Standard First Aid and CPR? Hopefully they will never have to use these skills while babysitting your child but it’s great to have a sitter who knows what to do in case of emergencies. Also, make sure the sitter has your cell number in case they have to get ahold of you.

These are just a few words of advice for what to look for in a future babysitter. Remember that your child’s safety is key and you want a babysitter that’s responsible and competent. We would love to know what you consider before hiring a babysitter for the night. Leave us a comment with any other tips you use! 

For more information on choosing the right babysitter check out Family Education!

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